Why is sustainable marketing important for the company’s strategy?

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When it comes to marketing and business, sustainability has become a very relevant differentiator. In order to guarantee the future of our planet and society, 2021 should be ear in which brands take the necessary steps towards sustainable marketing.


What is sustainable marketing?

Sustainable marketing’s goal is to promote the sustainable and responsible products and services of a given company.

As environmental and social issues keep on rising, society tries to find for companies that reflect their values regarding their care for the environment.

It is important to highlight that sustainability does not solely consist in being respectful with the environment. It also includes economic and social practices. That is why sustainable marketing is not the same as green marekting or environmental marketing.

When can we consider a certain product sustainable? When the latter has been done respecting the environment, people and the community that has participated in the process of creating it. Furthermore, it satisfy the needs of the present without comopromising those of the future.

The concept of sustainable marketing has three pillars:


The 5 principles of sustainable marketing.

  • Consumer oriented: Understanding the world through the eyes of clients, the company can create more permanent and sustained relations with them.
  • With value for the client: Put most resources in creating something that brings value to the client.
  • Innovative: Look for continuous improvement.
  • Aligned with the mission: Defining the mission in which there are clear social aspects.
  • Social: Consider the interests of the consumer, the company and society.

Why should companies integrate sustainable marketing in their strategy?

The growing limitations companies are facing are various. The law systems and norms are ever more demanding, and we cannot forget about the investors’ and clients’ pressure.

In this corporate environment that develops and changes so fast, it is necessary to adopt a proactive approach based in adaptation and anticipation. A way to confront this situation is to analyze the marketing strategy in place and adapt it to sustainable marketing.

Maybe in this moment not all company are ready to do so, but sooner or later, all of them will have to face this crossroad and join the sustainable movement.

As the company begins to highlight their efforts to be sustainable, their recognition will grow and the brand will be able to get more clients and investors.

Making the brand’s values coincide with those of consumers is the key to success, as well as to the prosperity of the company.


Even small changes can make a great difference.

Currently, most people put their efforts in being more sustainable and eco-friendly. These, among other, are values that companies should put an effort in guaranteeing for the satisfaction of clients.

We must me mindful fo our small choices on our day to day and try to create a positive impact for our environment and society.

In DoGood we want to change the world with small actions in an innovative and measurable way.

We also engage your employees with SDGs as portrayed in the 2030 Agenda and we activate your sustainable strategy.

If you want to know more about how we work to create a positive social and environmental impact, click here.