Discover our SDG Guides for companies and boost your CSR initiatives

At Dogood we have prepared the SDG guides for companies to help organizations meet the sustainable development goals. That is why every month we organize presentations related to the SDGs and CSR with industry leaders and at the end we prepare a guide on the SDG in question.

Guide to transform employees’ sustainability awareness into active engagement

Do your employees’ struggle to understand their role in advancing key sustainability and ESG goals? […]

Guide to building a company culture that drives sustainable change

Is your company culture acting as a barrier or as a catalyst of corporate sustainable […]

Guide to employees’ sustainability training and active engagement

Is your workforce aware and prepared of the strategic imperative that sustainability represents for the […]

Guide to understand and address the S in ESG

The social dimension of corporate sustainability strategies has long been dealt through philanthropic activities, but […]

How to approach a Double Materiality Assessment

As new regulatory requirements pile up, double materiality assessments have become a common denominator to […]

Guide to the EU ‘Green Claims’ Directive

The EU is setting the basis for what companies can and cannot call sustainable, green, […]

Guide to the EU’s current and upcoming laws, rules & regulations

The EU’s plan to become an example on how to build and transform a sustainable […]

A deep dive into the ROI of sustainability

Are companies solely looking for tangible and measurable assets to understand the ROI of sustainability? […]

Inconsistencies within the sustainability strategy of companies

What inconsistencies do companies detect in terms of sustainability that open the gap between what […]

Guide to transform sustainability into an employee benefit

How can sustainability become an employee benefit? What are the keys to build a responsible […]

Guide to conduct a materiality analysis

This guide aims to create a comprehensive look at the whys and the hows of […]

Guide to SDG 3: Helath and Well-Being

How to commit to the social development of the community in which your company operates […]

The importance of CSR in the educational field

ESG in education centers Education is the most determining factor in the direction of society […]

SDG 5 Guide: Gender equality

How to be an inclusive company and end gender inequality Although we live in an […]

The OKR and sustainability guide

Understanding how an OKR methodology can improve corporate sustainability performance and boost employee engagement. There […]

Guide to avoid greenwashing

Understanding the many nuances of greenwashing, its consequences, and how to avoid these harmful practices. […]

Guide to the benefits of transparency

Why companies should advocate for transparency and the benefits it creates for businesses, society and […]

Guide to employee wellbeing

Why does employee experience matter? And why should companies prioritize it? On average, we spend […]

A guide to 2022 ESG trends

What is on the 2022 ESG agenda’s priorities? The ongoing sanitary crisis has taken a […]

A guide to good corporate governance

The opportunities behind good corporate governance: The G in ESG We have the feeling that […]