How can SaaS solutions favor the sustainability strategy of companies?

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SaaS (Software as a Service): It is a system of software services in the cloud. In this way, the user can easily access all the contracted applications and licenses through the Internet, without having to physically install the software on the support.

Access to the system is simple and centralized, keeping user information and data synchronized. It also offers collaborative functions that promote the cooperation of the different departments that make up an organization in an efficient and unified way.

But in order to understand how SaaS solutions can favor the sustainability strategy of companies, we must first understand the benefits of incorporating this technology into the organization.

What are the business advantages of SaaS solutions?

The advantages of SaaS services are key to the efficiency of a company’s activities; including saving costs, time and effort, as well as facilities for all users. These are the most notable:

  • Profitability: Contrary to the traditional purchase of licenses and installation of computer programs, the investment in a SaaS service is much more profitable since these services offer the latest version of the software without having to pay additional costs or maintenance.
  • Security: The platforms that offer SaaS services tend to be accredited by certifications that guarantee their integrity and confidentiality of information. In this way, companies can ensure that the service ensures the security of their data.
  • Accessibility: SaaS services allow any duly identified user to access applications from any place or device. This makes working from home much easier.
  • Update: SaaS services have permanent updates that prevent applications from becoming obsolete in a short time, guaranteeing their maintenance and proper functioning.
  • Expansion: Access to the service is characterized by flexible contracting periods, in such a way that the extensions of the applications can grow according to the needs of the company or the user.


The future of SaaS in companies

The high volumes of data and information that companies require require high software performance, increasing the activities of IT departments. The tendency is to subcontract specialized service providers, being able to focus efforts on what really characterizes these companies.

In addition, with the growing need to adopt integrated and complete solutions, relationships between customers and suppliers tend to strengthen and be maintained in the long term. This in turn means that providers promote innovation strategies to provide increasingly sophisticated and specialized services and in accordance with the growing needs of their customers.


SaaS and the sustainability strategy

The need to implement sustainability and social responsibility practices is hotter than ever. And in the same way that companies tend to unify their technological tools in the cloud, both practices are indivisible from the collaboration and cooperation of all the users or employees that make up the organizations.

However, the collaborative quality of sustainability and SaaS services are not supported in the same way. Just as software services in the cloud can promote collaboration in a simple and dynamic way, the sustainability strategy requires cross-company cooperation to be truly effective.

It is precisely in this divergence where the opportunity to promote sustainability can be found thanks to SaaS services:

Cross-company collaboration must be implemented in all departments and at all levels of business activities. For this, SaaS services can add a lot of value, in such a way that cooperation is part of the normal and essential functioning of the organization.

Cooperation is thus transferred naturally to the sustainability and social responsibility strategy, promoting good practices across the board.



At DoGood we promote cross-company collaboration to improve the positive impact of organizations. We involve all employees in the sustainability strategy through a SaaS tool that provides traceability on the total impact of each person’s small actions.

Thanks to this measurable data on sustainability and social responsibility, we help companies improve their ESG impact, build a culture of ethical and social responsibility, create reputational value and encourage commitment and cross-company collaboration.

If you want to know more about how we work to create a positive social and environmental impact, click here.