CSR trends, ideas for a better world

Latest CSR trends with the best articles on sustainable development and guidelines so that together we can live together in a better world.

Sustainable regulations
Double materiality assessments and stakeholder engagement

As double materiality assessments continue to gain relevance in corporate sustainability matters, stakeholder engagement has […]

Sustainable regulations
An overview of the EU’s Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR)

In yet another installment of the European Union’s effort to transform its economy, the newly […]

Sustainable regulations
Understanding the scope of CSDDD

The European Parliament finally approved the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and although it is […]

Sustainable regulations
The value of sustainability reporting beyond regulatory compliance

As increasingly demanding regulations begin to pile up on companies’ doorstep, it is easy to […]

Sustainable regulations
Understanding the importance of double materiality

The current outpour of regulations in the EU, and globally, is setting increasingly ambitious targets […]

Sustainable regulations
Understanding CSRD and how it may impact your company

The European CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) is changing companies’ sustainability game for the better; […]

Sustainable regulations
Understanding the CSDDD

What you will find The CSDDD has narrowly made it through into the EU’s upcoming […]

Sustainable regulations
What ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards) mean for your company’s workforce

Table of Contents European sustainability reporting just got a little more complex with the new […]

Sustainable regulations
Unpacking the EU’s greenwashing ban

What you will find The EU’s latest regulations on greenwashing and vague sustainability claims are […]

Sustainable regulations
The EU’s sustainability regulations and requirements you should know about by now

In the last few years the EU and sustainability have become close companions, and so […]

Sustainable regulations
What is sustainability due diligence?

Due diligence is crucial for determining what companies’ and organizations need to address and report; […]

Sustainable regulations
CSRD and non-financial materiality

While companies have long been exposed to financial materiality and managing business risks for shareholders, […]

Sustainable regulations
Europe’s fight against greenwashing

The European Commission is on a legal journey to fight companies’ greenwashing and put an […]

Sustainable regulations
The future of Europe’s sustainable development

Europe is on its way to a near perfect sustainable agenda by the year 2030 […]

Sustainable regulations
3 min
The EU’s new rules against greenwashing: CSRD

With the idea and goal of putting an end to greenwashing, the European Union has […]

Sustainable regulations
3 min
The principle of doing no significant harm

One of the cornerstones of the newly emerged European Taxonomy, and the more recent SFDR […]

Sustainable regulations
4 min
The controversy surrounding Europe’s energy transition

Since taking effect at the beginning of the year, the European Taxonomy has been equally […]

Sustainable regulations
GRI recognizes the role of employees in the sustainability strategy

Companies are by now used to building sustainability and non-financial reports that, if done correctly, […]

Sustainable regulations
3 min
The keys to a sustainable future in Europe

The efforts to promote a sustainable future have been many, especially in the last decade, […]

Sustainable regulations
What are the advantages of making a sustainability report?

The European regulations, and consequently the Spanish one (Law 11/2018), already established the legal need […]